RepLadies Store Trusted Sellers: Hermes Review 2024 10/10
Comment: This bag is very very bad quality. Buyers with low taste should rate it too high. If you want to buy a high quality, good price machine sewing bag, choose MS Factory. If you have a high taste and want the highest quality hand-stitched Hermes bag, then you should choose Handicraft Factory
Quality: 9.9/10
The bag is well packaged and comes in a nice H orange box. It feels like it came straight from the Hermès boutique. Other than that, the orange box serves no other purpose
The texture of the leather is very clear, it feels very comfortable, and the edges are very smooth (Seller said that this is the result of many manual polishing)
The stitching on the bag is clean. no extra stitches
The metal part was originally golden yellow, at my request it was changed to silver white as I thought silver white looked cooler, all hardware has plastic sticker coverings, the bottom of the bag also comes with a rubber protector, no scratches on the hardware or defects, the protection is very good.
The logo embossing is done well, it is not simply covered on the leather, the indentation is clearly visible
Although the quality of the bag looks perfect, I assume ,whether it is a representative or an authentic product, as long as it is handmade, it cannot be 100% the same. -0.1
Accuracy: 8/10
The handle is a bit hard to the touch. I don’t know if other users’ bags are like this – 0.5.
The stuffing in the handle is a tube, and the genuine stuffing is similar to genuine leather. Maybe it will be softer. This is the repair video of Hermes Birkin, you can see the difference-1 video link
The stitching is absolutely perfect, there are no loose threads anywhere, no difference to the original, I tried to find the defect but couldn’t find it
The logo is a little bit blemish, and it’s a little blurry if you look closely, but no one will catch it unless they get very close to it and try to figure out the error – 0.5
Satisfaction: 10/10
I chose this bag because of its small size and easy portability. At first, I thought the bag was purely handmade. Later, seller told me that part of it was finished by mechanical processing, because manual sewing would affect the production progress and increase a lot of money. I I understand this, it will not affect my liking of bags
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